

Word Processor

Feature list  


Easy learning
You will learn to use EasyWriter and its requesters very fast, cause it is similar but not limited to standard word processors. You wont have to look up the documentation very often.

Support for Amiga's font handling. You can use all bitmap- and CompuGraphic-fonts as well as fonts of other font engines installed (for example: TrueType, Postscript, ...).
Footnotes, end notes, marks:


  • Chapter end notes
  • Document end notes
  • List of contents

Format requester

  • paragraph format requester and catalog character format requester and catalog
  • page format requester and catalog (with master pages)
  • chapter format requester and catalog
  • paragraph format, font type and size accessible directly by a popup menu

Huge variety of paragraph settings

  • text alignment
  • indentation
  • next format after paragraph end
  • insert in list of contents
  • create new page
  • create new page with new chapter format (master page)
  • date and time formats per paragraph

Outstanding flexible tabulator settings

  • tabulator interval, for example from 3 to 15 inch all 0,5 inch a tab
  • decimal tabulator with definable alignment sign
  • definable tabulator filling character

Many font manipulation options

  • Width, italicization and uppercase writing
  • Super- and subscript settings
  • font attributes (upper and lower script, bold, italic, underlined, double underlined, strike-through, capitals)
  • electronic variation of size, width, italicization / inclination, uppercase writing
  • color selection for text and underlining
  • preview of text attributes and colors
  • paragraph and character formats keyboard accessible

Box- or frame options

  • invisible or gray show box contents
  • invisible print contents
  • lock position and size
  • set position and size using measurement in mm, cm, inch and pt
  • set distance between text and box
  • set boldness and color the frame line and its background color
  • set if text of underlying boxes should be floating around the box
  • set box to the background or foreground of other boxes

Chapter options

  • adjustable page format for double-sided and single-sided documents
  • page numbering adjustable per chapter

Page format options

  • set number of columns
  • set printing margins
  • set header and footer lines
  • set page numbering for header and footer lines

Text formats

  • EasyWriter (default)
  • RTF
  • Text (ASCII)
  • expandable by plugins

Image formats

  • Amiga IFF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • Datatypes

System requirements

  • Amiga with at least a 25 MHz 68030 processor
  • 8 MByte RAM
  • harddisc
  • AmigaOS3.0 or higher

New features in version 2.0*

  • index generator
  • Postscript fontengine
  • TrueType fontengine
  • spell checking
  • printed manual

* Those features are subject to change.


Already announced 3rd-party products

  • formula editor
  • table editor
  • image editor
  • thesaurus
  • MS-WORD import module


© 1996/97/98
HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com